Originally created for Global GameJam 2014.

A cooperative game for two players. Each player sees only specific ways and obstacles. As in every team, players are bound to the ways and obstacles the other players see. Green Player uses WASD, blue Player uses arrow keys. Goal: Both players must stand in front of the yellow wall, touching it. You can walk on any visible floor piece, but you can't move through visible walls. Little clouds are enemies. Touch enemies of the same color to kill them. 5 Levels + boss battle. With sound. The boss battle has really cool sound ;)

Jam Site: Technische Universität Darmstadt - Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM)

Diversifiers: Can You Come And Play?:The game has a local multi-player mode

Tools and Technologies: Unity, Blender, Gimp, Cubebase 7 Elements


Johannes Alef (Mr.MadCat) - Coding, 3D-Models

Rebecca Schieren (AlphaCentauri) - 2D-Graphics, Coding

Hong Linh Thai - Music

Made withUnity
Average sessionA few minutes
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 2